Year | Author | Piece | Solo/ Chorus |
1980 | Allegri, Gregorio | Miserere | S |
1993 | Anonymous | Ah, silly poor Joas | S |
1982 | Anonymous | Blagoviernomu Tsariu | C |
1982 | Anonymous | Budi imya Gospodnie | C |
1993 | Anonymous | Come, tread the paths | S |
1993 | Anonymous | In Paradise | S |
1994 | Anonymous | In Paradise | S |
1982 | Anonymous | Izbavlenie posla | C |
1982 | Anonymous | Izhe khieruvimui | C |
1993 | Anonymous | Miserere my Maker | S |
1982 | Anonymous | Ot yunosti moieya | C |
1982 | Anonymous | Svyatui Bozhe | C |
1982 | Anonymous | V Chiermniem Mori | C |
1993 | Anonymous | What meat eats the Spaniard | S |
1982 | Anonymous | Y vsyu krotost | C |
2001 | Bach, Johann Christoph | Ach, dass ich Wassers g’nug hätte | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein (BWV 2) | S |
2001 | Bach, Johann Michael | Auf, lasst uns den Herren loben | S |
1999 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Agnus Dei (from Mass in B minor BWV 232) | S |
1991 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Auf, schmetternde Töne (BWV 207a) | S |
1989 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Christmas Oratorio (BWV 248) | S |
1999 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Christmas Oratorio (BWV 248) | S |
1999 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Die Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht (BWV 134a) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend weiß (BWV 134) | S |
1999 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Erbarme dich (from St. Matthew Passion BWV 244) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Erbarme dich (from St. Matthew Passion BWV 244) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen (BWV 66) | S |
1999 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Es ist vollbracht (from St. John Passion BWV 245) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Gott fähret auf mit Jauchzen (BWV 43) | S |
1990 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit (Actus tragicus, BWV 106) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir (BWV 130) | S |
1992 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Herz und Mund und tat und Leben (BWV 147) | S |
1999 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Ihr Tore zu Zion (BWV 193) | S |
1999 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | In deine Hände befehl’ ich meinen Geist (from Cantata BWV 106) | S |
1990 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Lass, Fürstin, lass einen Strahl (BWV 198) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen (BWV 11) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Magnificat | S |
1991 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Magnificat (BWV 243) | S |
1985 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Mass in B minor (BWV 232) | SC |
1990 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Mass in B minor (BWV 232) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Mass in F major (BWV 233) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Mass in G major (BWV 236) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Missa Brevis in A (BWV 234) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Nimm von uns Herr, du treuer Gott (BWV 101) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort (BWV 20) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Preise, Jerusalem, den Herrn (BWV 119) | S |
1999 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Qui sedes (from Mass in B minor BWV 232) | S |
1999 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Schäme dich, o Seele, nicht (from Cantata BWV 147) | S |
1991 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Schleicht, spielende Wellen (BWV 206) | S |
1994 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Schließe, mein Herze, dies selige Wunder (from Christmas Oratorio BWV 248) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele (BWV 180) | S |
1999 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Sehet, Jesus hat die Hand (from St. Matthew Passion BWV 244) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Sie werden euch in den Bann tun euch (BWV 44) | S |
1986 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | St. John Passion (BWV 245) | SC |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | St. John Passion (BWV 245) | S |
1989 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | St. Matthew Passion (BWV 244) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | St. Matthew Passion (BWV 244) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Tilge, Höchster, meine Sünden (BWV 1083) | S |
1999 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Von den Stricken meiner Sünden (from St. John Passion BWV 245) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen (BWV 12) | S |
2000 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Wer da gläubet und getauft wird (BWV 37) | S |
1999 | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Wie starb die Heldin so vergnügt (from Cantata BWV 198) | S |
1988 | Blow, John | Ah, Heav’n! What is’t I hear? | S |
1988 | Blow, John | Ode on the death of Mr Henry Purcell | S |
1995 | Blow, John | The glorious day is come | S |
1982 | Bortniansky, Dmitri S. | Mnogaya lieta | C |
1991 | Britten, Benjamin | Abraham and Isaac op. 51 | S |
1997 | Britten, Benjamin | Abraham and Isaac op. 51 | S |
1986 | Britten, Benjamin | Rejoice in the Lamb op. 30 | S |
1997 | Britten, Benjamin | Rejoyce in the Lamb op. 30 | S |
1991 | Britten, Benjamin | The Journey of the Magi op. 86 | S |
1988 | Buxtehude, Dietrich | An Filius non est Dei (BuxWV 6) | S |
1988 | Buxtehude, Dietrich | Frohlocket mit Händen (BuxWV 29) | S |
1988 | Buxtehude, Dietrich | Heut’ triumphieret Gottes Sohn (BuxWV 43) | S |
1988 | Buxtehude, Dietrich | Ihr lieben Christen, freut euch nun (BuxWV 51) | S |
1988 | Buxtehude, Dietrich | Jesu meines Lebens Leben (BuxWV 62) | S |
2001 | Buxtehude, Dietrich | Jesu, meine Freud’ und Lust (BuxWV 59) | S |
2001 | Buxtehude, Dietrich | Jubilate Domino (BuxWV 64) | S |
2001 | Buxtehude, Dietrich | Klaglied (BuxWV 76/2) | S |
1988 | Buxtehude, Dietrich | Mein Gemüt erfreuet sich (BuxWV 72) | S |
1988 | Buxtehude, Dietrich | Membra Jesu nostri (BuxWV 75) | S |
1988 | Buxtehude, Dietrich | Nichts soll uns scheiden (BuxWV 77) | S |
1988 | Buxtehude, Dietrich | Nun danket alle Gott (BuxWV 79) | S |
2001 | Buxtehude, Dietrich | Wenn ich, Herr Jesu, habe dich (BuxWV 107) | S |
1988 | Buxtehude, Dietrich | Wie wird erneuet (BuxWV 110) | S |
1990 | Byrd, William | Ah silly soul | S |
1994 | Byrd, William | Ah, silly soul | S |
1984 | Byrd, William | Ave verum Corpus | C |
1988 | Byrd, William | Come to me, grief, for ever | S |
2000 | Byrd, William | Come to me, grief, for ever | S |
1993 | Byrd, William | Fair Britain Isle | S |
1990 | Byrd, William | Gradualia | S |
1990 | Byrd, William | If women could be fair | S |
1988 | Byrd, William | In Angel’s weed | S |
1990 | Byrd, William | Lullaby, my sweet little Baby | S |
1984 | Byrd, William | Mass for five voices | C |
1984 | Byrd, William | Mass for four voices | C |
1984 | Byrd, William | Mass for three voices | C |
1988 | Byrd, William | Rejoice unto the Lord | S |
1990 | Byrd, William | Ye sacred muses | S |
2000 | Byrd, William | Ye sacred muses | |
1996 | Caldara, Antonio | Oratorio “La Passione di Gesù Christo” | S |
2000 | Campion, Thomas | All lookes be pale | S |
1993 | Campion, Thomas | Author of light | S |
2000 | Campion, Thomas | Author of light | S |
2000 | Campion, Thomas | Beauty is but a painted hell | S |
2000 | Campion, Thomas | Could my heart | S |
2000 | Campion, Thomas | Fire, fire | S |
2000 | Campion, Thomas | It fell on a sommers day | S |
2000 | Campion, Thomas | Kinde are her answeres | S |
1993 | Campion, Thomas | Never weather-beaten saile | S |
2000 | Campion, Thomas | Never weather-beaten saile | S |
2000 | Campion, Thomas | Shall I come sweet love to thee | S |
1993 | Campion, Thomas | The Sypres Curten of the Night | S |
2000 | Campion, Thomas | The Sypres Curten of the Night | S |
2000 | Campion, Thomas | There is a Garden in her face | S |
2000 | Campion, Thomas | Turn Backe, you wanton flye | S |
2000 | Campion, Thomas | When to her lute | S |
1988 | Cavalli, Pier Francesco | Giasone | S |
1985 | Cavalli, Pier Francesco | Salve Regina | C |
1985 | Clemens non Papa | O Maria, vernans rosa | C |
1990 | Coprario, John | In darkness let me dwell | S |
1997 | Costello, Elvis | Put away forbidden playthings | S |
1991 | Couperin, François | Laetentur Coeli | S |
1991 | Couperin, François | Leçons de ténèbres (II & III) | S |
1991 | Couperin, François | Magnificat | S |
1991 | Couperin, François | Venite exultemus Domino | S |
1993 | Danyel, John | Drop not mine eies | S |
1993 | Danyel, John | Have all our passion | S |
1988 | Daza, Esteban | Quiente hizo | S |
1988 | De Fuenllana, Miguel | Morenica dame | S |
1983 | De Silva, Andreas | Nigra sum | C |
1982 | Debussy, Claude | Dieu qu’il la fait bon regarder | S |
1982 | Debussy, Claude | Quant j’ai ouy le tabourin | S |
1982 | Debussy, Claude | Yver, vous n’estes qu’un villain | S |
1993 | Dowland, John | Can she excuse my wrongs? | S |
1990 | Dowland, John | Goe nightly cares | S |
1993 | Dowland, John | I saw my Lady weepe | S |
1990 | Dowland, John | Lasso vita mia, mi fa morire | S |
2000 | Dowland, John | Lasso vita mia, mi fa morire | |
1993 | Dowland, John | Shall I strive with wordes to move? | S |
1993 | Dowland, John | Sorrow, stay, lend true repentant teares | S |
1995 | Draghi, Giovanni Battista | From harmony, from heav’nly harmony | S |
1986 | Dufay, Guillaume | Ecclesiae militantis | C |
1986 | Dufay, Guillaume | Nuper rosarum flores | C |
1986 | Dufay, Guillaume | Missa “L’homme armé” | C |
1986 | Dufay, Guillaume | Salve flos Tuscae gentis | C |
1997 | Dun, Tan | A sinking love | S |
1993 | Ford, Thomas | Faire, sweet, cruell | S |
1993 | Ford, Thomas | Since first I saw your face | S |
1993 | Ford, Thomas | What then is love sings Coridon | S |
2001 | Geist, Christian | Vater unser, der du bist im Himmel | S |
1985 | Gesualdo, Carlo | Ave dulcissima Maria | C |
1982 | Gibbons, Orlando | Magnificat (second service) | S |
1982 | Gibbons, Orlando | Nunc dimittis (second service) | S |
1982 | Gibbons, Orlando | O thou, the central orb | S |
1982 | Gibbons, Orlando | See, see, the word is incarnate | S |
1982 | Gibbons, Orlando | This is the record of John | S |
1993 | Gibbons, Orlando | What is our life? | S |
1992 | Gluck, Christoph W. | Orfeo ed Euridice | S |
1993 | Goehr, Alexander | The Death of Moses op. 53 | S |
1997 | Handel, George Frideric | Agrippina | S |
1999 | Handel, George Frideric | But who may abide (from “Messiah”) | S |
1999 | Handel, George Frideric | Despair no more shall wound me (from “Semele”) | S |
1988 | Handel, George Frideric | Dixit Dominus | S |
1997 | Handel, George Frideric | Dixit Dominus | S |
1996 | Handel, George Frideric | Esther | S |
1994 | Handel, George Frideric | Giustino | S |
1999 | Handel, George Frideric | Hymen, haste, thy torch prepare (from “Semele”) | S |
1994 | Handel, George Frideric | Il duello amoroso | S |
1995 | Handel, George Frideric | Israel in Egypt | S |
2000 | Handel, George Frideric | Israel in Egypt | S |
1989 | Handel, George Frideric | Jephtha | S |
1988 | Handel, George Frideric | Laudate pueri Dominum | S |
1988 | Handel, George Frideric | Messiah | S |
1992 | Handel, George Frideric | Messiah | S |
1999 | Handel, George Frideric | Samson | S |
1993 | Handel, George Frideric | Semele | S |
1987 | Handel, George Frideric | Tamerlano | S |
1999 | Handel, George Frideric | Thou art gone up on high (from “Messiah”) | S |
1999 | Handel, George Frideric | Your tuneful voice (from “Semele”) | S |
2001 | Harper, Celia | Dunblane Sancta Maria | S |
2001 | Harper, Celia | Gabriel | S |
1996 | Harper, Celia | Hymn to the Virgin | S |
2001 | Harper, Celia | Lullaby | S |
2001 | Harper, Celia | My love gave me an apple | S |
2001 | Harper, Celia | O Jesu mea vita | S |
1996 | Harper, Celia | O Maria, Virgo pia | S |
1996 | Harper, Celia | Plaint | S |
1996 | Harper, Celia | Verbum caro | S |
2001 | Harper, Celia | Vives in corde meo | S |
1998 | Hasse, Adolf | I pellegrini al sepolcro di nostro Signore | S |
1986 | Howells, Herbert | Requiem | S |
1993 | Johnson, Edward | Come again | S |
1990 | Jones, Robert | Farewell, fond youth | S |
1990 | Jones, Robert | Grief of my best love’s absenting | S |
1990 | Jones, Robert | Hark! Wot ye what? | S |
1990 | Jones, Robert | Ite caldi sospiri | S |
1990 | Jones, Robert | My complaining is but feigning | S |
1990 | Jones, Robert | On a time in summer season | S |
1990 | Jones, Robert | Once did I serve a cruel heart | S |
1990 | Jones, Robert | Sweet Kate | S |
1990 | Jones, Robert | Though your strangeness frets my heart | S |
1990 | Jones, Robert | Will said to his mammy | S |
1987 | Landi, Stefano | La morte d’Orfeo | S |
1983 | Lhéritier, Jean | Nigra sum | C |
1998 | McKevitt, Donna | Adam and Eve and Punch-me-not | S |
1998 | McKevitt, Donna | Gravity | S |
1998 | McKevitt, Donna | Nature | S |
1998 | McKevitt, Donna | Sebastiane | S |
1998 | McKevitt, Donna | The system | S |
1998 | McKevitt, Donna | What if the present were the world last night | S |
1988 | Monteverdi, Claudio | Dixit Dominus (from Selva morale) | S |
1996 | Monteverdi, Claudio | L’incoronazione di Poppea | S |
1988 | Monteverdi, Claudio | Magnificat (from Selva morale) | S |
1987 | Monteverdi, Claudio | Orfeo | S |
1990 | Monteverdi, Claudio | Vespro della Beata Vergine | S |
1990 | Mozart, Wolfgang A. | Ascanio in Alba | S |
1991 | Mozart, Wolfgang A. | Requiem | S |
1980 | Mundy, William | Vox Patris coelestis | C |
1990 | Notari, Angelo | Intenerite voi | S |
1985 | Ockeghem, Johannes | Missa “Mi-mi” (Missa quarti toni) | C |
1985 | Ockeghem, Johannes | Requiem (Missa pro defunctis) | C |
1990 | Orff, Carl | Carmina Burana | S |
1987 | Palestrina, G. Pierluigi | Guttur sum | C |
1999 | Palestrina, G. Pierluigi | Kyrie from Mass “Aeterna Christi munera” | C |
1994 | Palestrina, G. Pierluigi | Missa “Aeterna Christi munera” | C |
1994 | Palestrina, G. Pierluigi | Missa “Lauda Sion” | C |
1994 | Palestrina, G. Pierluigi | Missa “L’homme armé” | C |
1983 | Palestrina, G. Pierluigi | Missa “Nigra sum” | C |
1994 | Palestrina, G. Pierluigi | Missa brevis | C |
1980 | Palestrina, G. Pierluigi | Missa Papae Marcelli | C |
1987 | Palestrina, G. Pierluigi | Quam pulchra es | C |
1994 | Palestrina, G. Pierluigi | Sicut cervus | C |
1994 | Palestrina, G. Pierluigi | Super flumina Babylonis | C |
1988 | Parsons, Robert | Pour down, you pow’rs divine | S |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Adoro te, Domine Iesu Christe | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Ave Regina coelorum | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Ave, vera caro Christi | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Ave, vere sanguis Domini | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Ave, verum corpus natum | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Deus, qui manus tuas | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Domine Iesu Christe, qui neminem | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Domine, secundum actum meum | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Emendemus in melius | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | In passione positus | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Inter vestibulum et altare | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Ne reminiscaris, Domine | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Nigra sum, sed formosa | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | O Domina sanctissima | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Pater noster | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Precor te, Domine Iesu Christe | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Sancta Maria | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Sancta Mater, istud agas | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Transeunte Domino Iesu | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Tribularer, si nescirem | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Unica est columba mea | C |
1992 | Peñalosa, Francisco de | Versa est in luctum | C |
1988 | Pergolesi, G. Battista | In coelestibus Regnis | S |
1988 | Pergolesi, G. Battista | Stabat Mater | S |
1982 | Poulenc, Francis | Chansons françaises | C |
1996 | Purcell, Henry | An Evening Hymn | S |
2001 | Purcell, Henry | An Evening Hymn | S |
1991 | Purcell, Henry | An Evening Hymn (arr. Britten) | S |
1988 | Purcell, Henry | Arise, my Muse (Z 320) | S |
1996 | Purcell, Henry | By beautious softness | S |
1992 | Purcell, Henry | Come ye sons of Art | S |
1995 | Purcell, Henry | Come ye sons of Art (from Z 323) | S |
1989 | Purcell, Henry | Come, ye sons of art, away | S |
1996 | Purcell, Henry | Crown the Altar | S |
1993 | Purcell, Henry | Dido and Aeneas | S |
1994 | Purcell, Henry | Dido and Aeneas | S |
1994 | Purcell, Henry | Dioclesian | S |
1988 | Purcell, Henry | Hark how the songsters (from Z 632) | S |
1996 | Purcell, Henry | Here the Deities approve | S |
1996 | Purcell, Henry | If music be the food of love | S |
1996 | Purcell, Henry | In the black dismal dungeon of despair | S |
1988 | Purcell, Henry | In vain the am’rous flute (from Z 328) | S |
1988 | Purcell, Henry | Incassum, Lesbia, rogas (Z 632) | S |
1996 | Purcell, Henry | Music for a while | S |
1988 | Purcell, Henry | No, resistance is but vain (from Z 601) | S |
1988 | Purcell, Henry | O dive custos (Z 514) | S |
1996 | Purcell, Henry | O Solitude | S |
1995 | Purcell, Henry | Ode for Queen Mary’s Birthday | S |
1993 | Purcell, Henry | Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day | S |
1999 | Purcell, Henry | Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day | S |
1989 | Purcell, Henry | Of old, when heroes thought it base | S |
1996 | Purcell, Henry | One charming night | S |
1996 | Purcell, Henry | Since from my dear Astrea’s sight | S |
1988 | Purcell, Henry | Sing, sing ye druids (from Z 574) | S |
1988 | Purcell, Henry | Sound the trumpet (from Z 323) | S |
1994 | Purcell, Henry | Sound the trumpet (from Z 323) | S |
1995 | Purcell, Henry | Sound the trumpet (from Z 323) | S |
1999 | Purcell, Henry | Sound the trumpet (from Z 323) | S |
1993 | Purcell, Henry | Sound the trumpet, sound | S |
1999 | Purcell, Henry | Sound, trumpets, sound! (from Z 333) | S |
1996 | Purcell, Henry | Strike the Viol | S |
1996 | Purcell, Henry | Sweeter than Roses | S |
1991 | Purcell, Henry | The Fairy Queen | S |
1999 | Purcell, Henry | The pale and the purple rose (from Z 333) | S |
1996 | Purcell, Henry | The Queen’s Epicedium | S |
1996 | Purcell, Henry | Thrice happy | S |
1996 | Purcell, Henry | Tis Natures voice | S |
1988 | Purcell, Henry | Welcome to all the pleasures (Z 339) | S |
1989 | Purcell, Henry | Welcome to all the pleasures (Z 339) | S |
1982 | Rachmaninov, Sergej | Lord’s Prayer | C |
1993 | Rosseter, Philip | No grave for woe | S |
1993 | Rosseter, Philip | Shall I come if I swim? | S |
1993 | Rosseter, Philip | What then is love but mourning | S |
1982 | Saint Saëns, Camille | Calme des nuits op. 68 no. 1 | C |
1982 | Saint Saëns, Camille | Les fleurs et les arbres op. 68 no. 2 | C |
1982 | Saint Saëns, Camille | Les marins de Kermor op. 71 no. 1 | C |
1982 | Saint Saëns, Camille | Saltarelle op. 74 | C |
1982 | Saint Saëns, Camille | Sérénade d’hiver | C |
1985 | Scarlatti, Domenico | Stabat Mater | C |
1988 | Schuetz, Heinrich | Auf dem Gebirge (SWV 396) | S |
1999 | Schuetz, Heinrich | Auf dem Gebirge (SWV 396) | S |
2001 | Schuetz, Heinrich | Erbarm’ dich mein, o Herre Gott (SWV 447) | S |
1988 | Schuetz, Heinrich | Saul, Saul, was verfolgst du mich? (SWV 415) | S |
1995 | Smirnov, Dmitri | The Lamb op. 83 | S |
1982 | Stravinsky, Igor | Bogoroditsie Dievo | C |
1982 | Stravinsky, Igor | Otche nasha | C |
1998 | Tallis, Thomas | God grant we Grace | C |
1998 | Tallis, Thomas | If ye love me | C |
1998 | Tallis, Thomas | In ieiunio et fletu | C |
1998 | Tallis, Thomas | O nata lux de lumine | C |
1998 | Tallis, Thomas | Spem in alium | C |
2001 | Tavener, John | Apokatastasis | S |
2000 | Tavener, John | Fall and resurrection | S |
1982 | Tavener, John | Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete | C |
2001 | Tavener, John | Nipson | S |
2001 | Tavener, John | The Hidden Face | S |
1982 | Tsar Ivan the Terrible | Kuimi pokhvalienui mi | C |
1986 | Vaughan Williams, Ralph | Mass in G major | S |
1983 | Victoria, Tomas Luis | Nigra sum | C |
2002 | Vivaldi, Antonio | Dixit Dominus | S |
1991 | Vivaldi, Antonio | Gloria | S |
2002 | Vivaldi, Antonio | Gloria | S |
2002 | Vivaldi, Antonio | Magnificat | S |
1997 | Vivaldi, Antonio | Nisi Dominus | S |
1999 | Vivaldi, Antonio | Nisi Dominus | S |
1997 | Vivaldi, Antonio | Salve Regina | S |
1999 | Vivaldi, Antonio | Salve Regina | S |
1997 | Vivaldi, Antonio | Stabat Mater | S |
1999 | Vivaldi, Antonio | Stabat Mater | S |
2000 | Weir, Judith | A night at the Chinese opera | S |
1989 | Wert, Giaches de | Tirsi morir volea | S |
1990 | Zelenka, Jan Dismas | Lamentations of Jeremiah | S |
1990 | Zelenka, Jan Dismas | Litaniae Lauretanae | S |
1990 | Zelenka, Jan Dismas | Missa Dei Filii | S |