YearAuthorPieceSolo/ Chorus
1980Allegri, GregorioMiserereS
1993AnonymousAh, silly poor JoasS
1982AnonymousBlagoviernomu TsariuC
1982AnonymousBudi imya GospodnieC
1993AnonymousCome, tread the pathsS
1993AnonymousIn ParadiseS
1994AnonymousIn ParadiseS
1982AnonymousIzbavlenie poslaC
1982AnonymousIzhe khieruvimuiC
1993AnonymousMiserere my MakerS
1982AnonymousOt yunosti moieyaC
1982AnonymousSvyatui BozheC
1982AnonymousV Chiermniem MoriC
1993AnonymousWhat meat eats the SpaniardS
1982AnonymousY vsyu krotostC
2001Bach, Johann ChristophAch, dass ich Wassers g’nug hätteS
2000Bach, Johann SebastianAch Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein (BWV 2)S
2001Bach, Johann MichaelAuf, lasst uns den Herren lobenS
1999Bach, Johann SebastianAgnus Dei (from Mass in B minor BWV 232)S
1991Bach, Johann SebastianAuf, schmetternde Töne (BWV 207a)S
1989Bach, Johann SebastianChristmas Oratorio (BWV 248)S
1999Bach, Johann SebastianChristmas Oratorio (BWV 248)S
1999Bach, Johann SebastianDie Zeit, die Tag und Jahre macht          (BWV 134a)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianEin Herz, das seinen Jesum lebend weiß  (BWV 134)S
1999Bach, Johann SebastianErbarme dich (from St. Matthew Passion BWV 244)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianErbarme dich (from St. Matthew Passion BWV 244)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianErfreut euch, ihr Herzen (BWV 66)S
1999Bach, Johann SebastianEs ist vollbracht (from St. John Passion  BWV 245)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianGott fähret auf mit Jauchzen (BWV 43)S
1990Bach, Johann SebastianGottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit (Actus tragicus, BWV 106)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianHerr Gott, dich loben alle wir (BWV 130)S
1992Bach, Johann SebastianHerz und Mund und tat und Leben      (BWV 147)S
1999Bach, Johann SebastianIhr Tore zu Zion (BWV 193)S
1999Bach, Johann SebastianIn deine Hände befehl’ ich meinen Geist (from Cantata BWV 106)S
1990Bach, Johann SebastianLass, Fürstin, lass einen Strahl (BWV 198)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianLobet Gott in seinen Reichen (BWV 11)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianMagnificatS
1991Bach, Johann SebastianMagnificat (BWV 243)S
1985Bach, Johann SebastianMass in B minor (BWV 232)SC
1990Bach, Johann SebastianMass in B minor (BWV 232)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianMass in F major (BWV 233)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianMass in G major (BWV 236)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianMissa Brevis in A (BWV 234)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianNimm von uns Herr, du treuer Gott      (BWV 101)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianO Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort (BWV 20)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianPreise, Jerusalem, den Herrn (BWV 119)S
1999Bach, Johann SebastianQui sedes (from Mass in B minor BWV 232)S
1999Bach, Johann SebastianSchäme dich, o Seele, nicht (from Cantata BWV 147)S
1991Bach, Johann SebastianSchleicht, spielende Wellen (BWV 206)S
1994Bach, Johann SebastianSchließe, mein Herze, dies selige Wunder (from Christmas Oratorio BWV 248)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianSchmücke dich, o liebe Seele (BWV 180)S
1999Bach, Johann SebastianSehet, Jesus hat die Hand (from St. Matthew Passion BWV 244)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianSie werden euch in den Bann tun euch    (BWV 44)S
1986Bach, Johann SebastianSt. John Passion (BWV 245)SC
2000Bach, Johann SebastianSt. John Passion (BWV 245)S
1989Bach, Johann SebastianSt. Matthew Passion (BWV 244)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianSt. Matthew Passion (BWV 244)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianTilge, Höchster, meine Sünden (BWV 1083)S
1999Bach, Johann SebastianVon den Stricken meiner Sünden (from St. John Passion BWV 245)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianWeinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen (BWV 12)S
2000Bach, Johann SebastianWer da gläubet und getauft wird (BWV 37)S
1999Bach, Johann SebastianWie starb die Heldin so vergnügt (from Cantata BWV 198)S
1988Blow, JohnAh, Heav’n! What is’t I hear?S
1988Blow, JohnOde on the death of Mr Henry PurcellS
1995Blow, JohnThe glorious day is comeS
1982Bortniansky, Dmitri S.Mnogaya lietaC
1991Britten, BenjaminAbraham and Isaac op. 51S
1997Britten, BenjaminAbraham and Isaac op. 51S
1986Britten, BenjaminRejoice in the Lamb op. 30S
1997Britten, BenjaminRejoyce in the Lamb op. 30S
1991Britten, BenjaminThe Journey of the Magi op. 86S
1988Buxtehude, DietrichAn Filius non est Dei (BuxWV 6)S
1988Buxtehude, DietrichFrohlocket mit Händen (BuxWV 29)S
1988Buxtehude, DietrichHeut’ triumphieret Gottes Sohn (BuxWV 43)S
1988Buxtehude, DietrichIhr lieben Christen, freut euch nun     (BuxWV 51)S
1988Buxtehude, DietrichJesu meines Lebens Leben (BuxWV 62)S
2001Buxtehude, DietrichJesu, meine Freud’ und Lust (BuxWV 59)S
2001Buxtehude, DietrichJubilate Domino (BuxWV 64)S
2001Buxtehude, DietrichKlaglied (BuxWV 76/2)S
1988Buxtehude, DietrichMein Gemüt erfreuet sich (BuxWV 72)S
1988Buxtehude, DietrichMembra Jesu nostri (BuxWV 75)S
1988Buxtehude, DietrichNichts soll uns scheiden (BuxWV 77)S
1988Buxtehude, DietrichNun danket alle Gott (BuxWV 79)S
2001Buxtehude, DietrichWenn ich, Herr Jesu, habe dich (BuxWV 107)S
1988Buxtehude, DietrichWie wird erneuet (BuxWV 110)S
1990Byrd, WilliamAh silly soulS
1994Byrd, WilliamAh, silly soulS
1984Byrd, WilliamAve verum CorpusC
1988Byrd, WilliamCome to me, grief, for everS
2000Byrd, WilliamCome to me, grief, for everS
1993Byrd, WilliamFair Britain IsleS
1990Byrd, WilliamGradualiaS
1990Byrd, WilliamIf women could be fairS
1988Byrd, WilliamIn Angel’s weedS
1990Byrd, WilliamLullaby, my sweet little BabyS
1984Byrd, WilliamMass for five voicesC
1984Byrd, WilliamMass for four voicesC
1984Byrd, WilliamMass for three voicesC
1988Byrd, WilliamRejoice unto the LordS
1990Byrd, WilliamYe sacred musesS
2000Byrd, WilliamYe sacred muses
1996Caldara, AntonioOratorio “La Passione di Gesù Christo”S
2000Campion, ThomasAll lookes be paleS
1993Campion, ThomasAuthor of lightS
2000Campion, ThomasAuthor of lightS
2000Campion, ThomasBeauty is but a painted hellS
2000Campion, ThomasCould my heartS
2000Campion, ThomasFire, fireS
2000Campion, ThomasIt fell on a sommers dayS
2000Campion, ThomasKinde are her answeresS
1993Campion, ThomasNever weather-beaten saileS
2000Campion, ThomasNever weather-beaten saileS
2000Campion, ThomasShall I come sweet love to theeS
1993Campion, ThomasThe Sypres Curten of the NightS
2000Campion, ThomasThe Sypres Curten of the NightS
2000Campion, ThomasThere is a Garden in her faceS
2000Campion, ThomasTurn Backe, you wanton flyeS
2000Campion, ThomasWhen to her luteS
1988Cavalli, Pier FrancescoGiasoneS
1985Cavalli, Pier FrancescoSalve ReginaC
1985Clemens non PapaO Maria, vernans rosaC
1990Coprario, JohnIn darkness let me dwellS
1997Costello, ElvisPut away forbidden playthingsS
1991Couperin, FrançoisLaetentur CoeliS
1991Couperin, FrançoisLeçons de ténèbres (II & III)S
1991Couperin, FrançoisMagnificatS
1991Couperin, FrançoisVenite exultemus DominoS
1993Danyel, JohnDrop not mine eiesS
1993Danyel, JohnHave all our passionS
1988Daza, EstebanQuiente hizoS
1988De Fuenllana, MiguelMorenica dameS
1983De Silva, AndreasNigra sumC
1982Debussy, ClaudeDieu qu’il la fait bon regarderS
1982Debussy, ClaudeQuant j’ai ouy le tabourinS
1982Debussy, ClaudeYver, vous n’estes qu’un villainS
1993Dowland, JohnCan she excuse my wrongs?S
1990Dowland, JohnGoe nightly caresS
1993Dowland, JohnI saw my Lady weepeS
1990Dowland, JohnLasso vita mia, mi fa morireS
2000Dowland, JohnLasso vita mia, mi fa morire
1993Dowland, JohnShall I strive with wordes to move?S
1993Dowland, JohnSorrow, stay, lend true repentant tearesS
1995Draghi, Giovanni BattistaFrom harmony, from heav’nly harmonyS
1986Dufay, GuillaumeEcclesiae militantisC
1986Dufay, GuillaumeNuper rosarum floresC
1986Dufay, GuillaumeMissa “L’homme armé”C
1986Dufay, GuillaumeSalve flos Tuscae gentisC
1997Dun, TanA sinking loveS
1993Ford, ThomasFaire, sweet, cruellS
1993Ford, ThomasSince first I saw your faceS
1993Ford, ThomasWhat then is love sings CoridonS
2001Geist, ChristianVater unser, der du bist im HimmelS
1985Gesualdo, CarloAve dulcissima MariaC
1982Gibbons, OrlandoMagnificat (second service)S
1982Gibbons, OrlandoNunc dimittis (second service)S
1982Gibbons, OrlandoO thou, the central orbS
1982Gibbons, OrlandoSee, see, the word is incarnateS
1982Gibbons, OrlandoThis is the record of JohnS
1993Gibbons, OrlandoWhat is our life?S
1992Gluck, Christoph W.Orfeo ed EuridiceS
1993Goehr, AlexanderThe Death of Moses op. 53S
1997Handel, George FridericAgrippinaS
1999Handel, George FridericBut who may abide (from “Messiah”)S
1999Handel, George FridericDespair no more shall wound me (from “Semele”)S
1988Handel, George FridericDixit DominusS
1997Handel, George FridericDixit DominusS
1996Handel, George FridericEstherS
1994Handel, George FridericGiustinoS
1999Handel, George FridericHymen, haste, thy torch prepare (from “Semele”)S
1994Handel, George FridericIl duello amorosoS
1995Handel, George FridericIsrael in EgyptS
2000Handel, George FridericIsrael in EgyptS
1989Handel, George FridericJephthaS
1988Handel, George FridericLaudate pueri DominumS
1988Handel, George FridericMessiahS
1992Handel, George FridericMessiahS
1999Handel, George FridericSamsonS
1993Handel, George FridericSemeleS
1987Handel, George FridericTamerlanoS
1999Handel, George FridericThou art gone up on high (from “Messiah”)S
1999Handel, George FridericYour tuneful voice (from “Semele”)S
2001Harper, CeliaDunblane Sancta MariaS
2001Harper, CeliaGabrielS
1996Harper, CeliaHymn to the VirginS
2001Harper, CeliaLullabyS
2001Harper, CeliaMy love gave me an appleS
2001Harper, CeliaO Jesu mea vitaS
1996Harper, CeliaO Maria, Virgo piaS
1996Harper, CeliaPlaintS
1996Harper, CeliaVerbum caroS
2001Harper, CeliaVives in corde meoS
1998Hasse, AdolfI pellegrini al sepolcro di nostro SignoreS
1986Howells, HerbertRequiemS
1993Johnson, EdwardCome againS
1990Jones, RobertFarewell, fond youthS
1990Jones, RobertGrief of my best love’s absentingS
1990Jones, RobertHark! Wot ye what?S
1990Jones, RobertIte caldi sospiriS
1990Jones, RobertMy complaining is but feigningS
1990Jones, RobertOn a time in summer seasonS
1990Jones, RobertOnce did I serve a cruel heartS
1990Jones, RobertSweet KateS
1990Jones, RobertThough your strangeness frets my heartS
1990Jones, RobertWill said to his mammyS
1987Landi, StefanoLa morte d’OrfeoS
1983Lhéritier, JeanNigra sumC
1998McKevitt, DonnaAdam and Eve and Punch-me-notS
1998McKevitt, DonnaGravityS
1998McKevitt, DonnaNatureS
1998McKevitt, DonnaSebastianeS
1998McKevitt, DonnaThe systemS
1998McKevitt, DonnaWhat if the present were the world last nightS
1988Monteverdi, ClaudioDixit Dominus (from Selva morale)S
1996Monteverdi, ClaudioL’incoronazione di PoppeaS
1988Monteverdi, ClaudioMagnificat (from Selva morale)S
1987Monteverdi, ClaudioOrfeoS
1990Monteverdi, ClaudioVespro della Beata VergineS
1990Mozart, Wolfgang A.Ascanio in AlbaS
1991Mozart, Wolfgang A.RequiemS
1980Mundy, WilliamVox Patris coelestisC
1990Notari, AngeloIntenerite voiS
1985Ockeghem, JohannesMissa “Mi-mi” (Missa quarti toni)C
1985Ockeghem, JohannesRequiem (Missa pro defunctis)C
1990Orff, CarlCarmina BuranaS
1987Palestrina, G. PierluigiGuttur sumC
1999Palestrina, G. PierluigiKyrie from Mass “Aeterna Christi munera”C
1994Palestrina, G. PierluigiMissa “Aeterna Christi munera”C
1994Palestrina, G. PierluigiMissa “Lauda Sion”C
1994Palestrina, G. PierluigiMissa “L’homme armé”C
1983Palestrina, G. PierluigiMissa “Nigra sum”C
1994Palestrina, G. PierluigiMissa brevisC
1980Palestrina, G. PierluigiMissa Papae MarcelliC
1987Palestrina, G. PierluigiQuam pulchra esC
1994Palestrina, G. PierluigiSicut cervusC
1994Palestrina, G. PierluigiSuper flumina BabylonisC
1988Parsons, RobertPour down, you pow’rs divineS
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deAdoro te, Domine Iesu ChristeC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deAve Regina coelorumC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deAve, vera caro ChristiC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deAve, vere sanguis DominiC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deAve, verum corpus natumC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deDeus, qui manus tuasC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deDomine Iesu Christe, qui neminemC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deDomine, secundum actum meumC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deEmendemus in meliusC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deIn passione positusC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deInter vestibulum et altareC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deNe reminiscaris, DomineC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deNigra sum, sed formosaC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deO Domina sanctissimaC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco dePater nosterC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco dePrecor te, Domine Iesu ChristeC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deSancta MariaC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deSancta Mater, istud agasC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deTranseunte Domino IesuC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deTribularer, si nesciremC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deUnica est columba meaC
1992Peñalosa, Francisco deVersa est in luctumC
1988Pergolesi, G. BattistaIn coelestibus RegnisS
1988Pergolesi, G. BattistaStabat MaterS
1982Poulenc, FrancisChansons françaisesC
1996Purcell, HenryAn Evening HymnS
2001Purcell, HenryAn Evening HymnS
1991Purcell, HenryAn Evening Hymn (arr. Britten)S
1988Purcell, HenryArise, my Muse (Z 320)S
1996Purcell, HenryBy beautious softnessS
1992Purcell, HenryCome ye sons of ArtS
1995Purcell, HenryCome ye sons of Art (from Z 323)S
1989Purcell, HenryCome, ye sons of art, awayS
1996Purcell, HenryCrown the AltarS
1993Purcell, HenryDido and AeneasS
1994Purcell, HenryDido and AeneasS
1994Purcell, HenryDioclesianS
1988Purcell, HenryHark how the songsters (from Z 632)S
1996Purcell, HenryHere the Deities approveS
1996Purcell, HenryIf music be the food of loveS
1996Purcell, HenryIn the black dismal dungeon of despairS
1988Purcell, HenryIn vain the am’rous flute (from Z 328)S
1988Purcell, HenryIncassum, Lesbia, rogas (Z 632)S
1996Purcell, HenryMusic for a whileS
1988Purcell, HenryNo, resistance is but vain (from Z 601)S
1988Purcell, HenryO dive custos (Z 514)S
1996Purcell, HenryO SolitudeS
1995Purcell, HenryOde for Queen Mary’s BirthdayS
1993Purcell, HenryOde for St. Cecilia’s DayS
1999Purcell, HenryOde for St. Cecilia’s DayS
1989Purcell, HenryOf old, when heroes thought it baseS
1996Purcell, HenryOne charming nightS
1996Purcell, HenrySince from my dear Astrea’s sightS
1988Purcell, HenrySing, sing ye druids (from Z 574)S
1988Purcell, HenrySound the trumpet (from Z 323)S
1994Purcell, HenrySound the trumpet (from Z 323)S
1995Purcell, HenrySound the trumpet (from Z 323)S
1999Purcell, HenrySound the trumpet (from Z 323)S
1993Purcell, HenrySound the trumpet, soundS
1999Purcell, HenrySound, trumpets, sound! (from Z 333)S
1996Purcell, HenryStrike the ViolS
1996Purcell, HenrySweeter than RosesS
1991Purcell, HenryThe Fairy QueenS
1999Purcell, HenryThe pale and the purple rose (from Z 333)S
1996Purcell, HenryThe Queen’s EpicediumS
1996Purcell, HenryThrice happyS
1996Purcell, HenryTis Natures voiceS
1988Purcell, HenryWelcome to all the pleasures (Z 339)S
1989Purcell, HenryWelcome to all the pleasures (Z 339)S
1982Rachmaninov, SergejLord’s PrayerC
1993Rosseter, PhilipNo grave for woeS
1993Rosseter, PhilipShall I come if I swim?S
1993Rosseter, PhilipWhat then is love but mourningS
1982Saint Saëns, CamilleCalme des nuits op. 68 no. 1C
1982Saint Saëns, CamilleLes fleurs et les arbres op. 68 no. 2C
1982Saint Saëns, CamilleLes marins de Kermor op. 71 no. 1C
1982Saint Saëns, CamilleSaltarelle op. 74C
1982Saint Saëns, CamilleSérénade d’hiverC
1985Scarlatti, DomenicoStabat MaterC
1988Schuetz, HeinrichAuf dem Gebirge (SWV 396)S
1999Schuetz, HeinrichAuf dem Gebirge (SWV 396)S
2001Schuetz, HeinrichErbarm’ dich mein, o Herre Gott (SWV 447)S
1988Schuetz, HeinrichSaul, Saul, was verfolgst du mich? (SWV 415)S
1995Smirnov, DmitriThe Lamb op. 83S
1982Stravinsky, IgorBogoroditsie DievoC
1982Stravinsky, IgorOtche nashaC
1998Tallis, ThomasGod grant we GraceC
1998Tallis, ThomasIf ye love meC
1998Tallis, ThomasIn ieiunio et fletuC
1998Tallis, ThomasO nata lux de lumineC
1998Tallis, ThomasSpem in aliumC
2001Tavener, JohnApokatastasisS
2000Tavener, JohnFall and resurrectionS
1982Tavener, JohnGreat Canon of St. Andrew of CreteC
2001Tavener, JohnNipsonS
2001Tavener, JohnThe Hidden FaceS
1982Tsar Ivan the TerribleKuimi pokhvalienui miC
1986Vaughan Williams, RalphMass in G majorS
1983Victoria, Tomas LuisNigra sumC
2002Vivaldi, AntonioDixit DominusS
1991Vivaldi, AntonioGloriaS
2002Vivaldi, AntonioGloriaS
2002Vivaldi, AntonioMagnificatS
1997Vivaldi, AntonioNisi DominusS
1999Vivaldi, AntonioNisi DominusS
1997Vivaldi, AntonioSalve ReginaS
1999Vivaldi, AntonioSalve ReginaS
1997Vivaldi, AntonioStabat MaterS
1999Vivaldi, AntonioStabat MaterS
2000Weir, JudithA night at the Chinese operaS
1989Wert, Giaches deTirsi morir voleaS
1990Zelenka, Jan DismasLamentations of JeremiahS
1990Zelenka, Jan DismasLitaniae LauretanaeS
1990Zelenka, Jan DismasMissa Dei FiliiS